Tuesday, August 31, 2010

一个人的凌晨, a lonely midnight

Finally i finished 2 assignment that are consider hard for me..
I can rest probably only for one week because there are 5 more assignment coming up ~
everyone keep complaining uni life ~ haha

What is the best life for us? got money to spend and no need to work ~ is it?
Yea! i guess it is. So what kind of life is this? That is study life without any assignment and exam! haha! yea! don't doubt! i am lazy

Recently i facing insomnia, can't really get into sleep in the middle of the night. i just keep rolling on the bed till i can finally get into sleep, this really torturing me. During this, my mind keep flashing back to those old memory ...
unhappy and happy memory keep flash out~ haha it make me miss malaysia!!

motivation needed!! where can i buy it?
Coming September i am going to Melbourne shopping =) hehe..can't wait for it~

兜了一个大圈,始终还是你 =)