Thursday, August 12, 2010

LIfe in Adelaide

It seems like i didn't update blog for a long time :D
Now i am in Adelaide ... Finally settle everything here..
Everything is going fine here :)

In the past month, i did visit some place which are famous in Adelaide, such as Gleneg Beach and Borrosa Hill. Will upload the picture here soon :)

Still trying to adapt the new enviroment here ;) Honestly , it is boring here. Haha.. It possible can train me to become a good boy :P
Same old uni life, assignment due date is around the corner, rush and rush and rush for assignment ><" hehe


Kenix LCC said...

cutie!!! hope u r enjoying yr life over there ya~
bring back a mat salleh gf.. lolz..
anyway, gud luck n all da best to u!!